lifestyle coaching

Lifestyle coaching is a comprehensive, tailored, process dovetailing creative and personal development.
It guides you to navigate your responsibilities and fulfil your ambitions with greater ease and efficiency.

To improve our physical health we seek out personal trainers, to better our mental health a therapist, and if you want to develop the practical way you live your life, call a lifestyle coach.

There is this widely held idea that we should instinctively know how to navigate our lives. In reality, it takes a lot of consideration and intentional action to find our own best practice. Our joint endeavour, is to access your full potential and live your life in its richest form, considerate of how you function and where you are at.

Anyone at any stage in their life and career can benefit from lifestyle coaching, whether you want to make the most of your current position, aspiring for big change or in a period of uncertainty. I believe approaching personal and creative development together is essential. It creates a space to find harmony and distinction between the personal and professional.

A core tenet of my practice is to work with objectivity and give the client autonomy to determine the direction of our process. Clients deepen their self awareness and develop a greater capacity to achieve their ambitions. Some examples range from; nurturing better interpersonal relationships and building a network of creative collaborators and clients to expanding their personal brand through public events and launching a successful Substack.